Monday, June 25, 2012

June 25, 2012

Creating a cover for your novel is a tricky job for Indie Authors.
 Without a publisher behind you with a marketing team and
graphic artists,how do you compete?
Every Monday, I will scour the Indie world and find the Indie covers
that make you take a second look at the book.
 The ones you just have to click on to see what the story's about.
After all, that's what the cover's for.

And today's cover is:

Unlovable (Port Fare, #1)

What do I like about this cover?
An easier question to answer would be what do I not like about this cover?
Check it out here on Amazon

Announcement Time!
Since Thursday is my birthday, we're going to celebrate with an excerpt from my current WIP.
Ok, well, one of them.
Stay Tuned and Check Back!

1 comment:

Cute Flying Pink Bird